Rovinj Cisterns - Forgotten Beauties

Rovinj Cisterns - Forgotten Beauties

Here is the translation in English: In the school year 2021/2022, students of the Elementary School Vladimir Nazor Rovinj worked on a project about Rovinj's cisterns.

Namely, their wish was to remind the local population of the cisterns that they call forgotten beauties, but also to inform the Rovinj children about their role in the past.

Thus, as part of the project, they visited the visible ones and discovered the hidden ones in courtyards, houses, taverns... All locations were carefully recorded and arranged on a map of Rovinj in order to create a website, but also an interesting game "Hunt for Cisterns".

Of course, a lot of literary and art workshops were held on this topic as part of the school curriculum, and everything was presented at yesterday's opening of the exhibition "Rovinj Cisterns - Forgotten Beauties". Numerous citizens of Rovinj responded to the opening of the exhibition on the terrace of the Italian Community "Pino Budicin" where the whole project was presented.

The project leader Ana Rajko Nimčević revealed to us how this project was interesting to students, but also mentors who guided them and especially thanked all fellow citizens who opened their doors to their homes, but also lids of cisterns that they found there.

All present at the exhibition could see the works of students of lower and higher grades created under the mentorship of teacher Dolores Jašarević and teacher of Art Culture Toni Žufić, and the motive were, of course, Rovinj cisterns.

As part of this project, a story "The Magic Well" was also created, which was conceived by student Katja Sloboda - Kika, who also illustrated the story, so her work, words and illustrations, was turned into a beautiful booklet under the mentorship of Toni Žufić.

The teacher of Croatian language, Dejana Tavas, did proofreading of texts for the whole project, while the teacher of computer science Ina Venier made a video that was shown at the solemn opening of the exhibition.

In addition, the previously mentioned game "Hunt for Cisterns" was presented and after the solemn opening of the exhibition, the children got a chance to play the game.


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