Preparations for Advent
.Under the mentorship of art teacher Tonij Žufić, our pupils painted large canvases that will decorate this year's Advent and the corridors of Rovinj's Gandusio
Don’t waste the fruit
.During the Home Economics classes, the pupils showed how one fruit tree can be used in many ways and that throwing older fruit trees in the trash is not the best
.First grade pupils attended a field lesson in Rovinjsko Selo where they visited numerous “kažune” – little houses of stone, and learned what they were, what they
...Exchange of experience
.Pupils of Juraj Dobrila Elementary School and Vladimir Nazor Elementary School Rovinj had a joint meeting on the topic "Exchange of Erasmus experience" and thus

Rovinj Cisterns - Forgotten Beauties
.Here is the translation in English: In the school year 2021/2022, students of the Elementary School Vladimir Nazor Rovinj worked on a project about Rovinj's
.As part of the project Institutionalization of Homeland Education, our school worked on the project Rovinj Olympians from October 2018 to April this year, in which
.The students of the 5th to 8th grade of OŠ Vladimir Nazor Rovinj participated in an interesting and creative project of making viber stickers, which was part of the
.The students of the 5th grade of OŠ Vladimir Nazor Rovinj - SE Vladimir Nazor Rovigno who attend the art group, made their own bukalets at the workshop on making